Bike Lane Project Causing 3-Day PCH Lane Closure

Morning View Drive

Commuters can expect driving delays beginning on Tuesday, August 12, due to ongoing construction of the Pacific Coast Highway Bike Route Improvement Project on the west end of town.

The No. 2 northbound lane on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) at Morning View Drive will be closed for approximately 72 hours.

A dedicated right turn lane will be installed onto Morning View Dr. and will also add a 4 foot bike lane that extends through the right turn lane.

The existing bus stop located on Morning View Drive will be relocated to the other side of the street. 

Delays are also projected at the intersection of PCH and Trancas Canyon Road as crews build a raised concrete median to separate north and south bound travel.

The project to improve bike lanes is funded primarily by Metro and a grant from the Caltrans Highway Safety Improvement Program, with a contribution from the city’s general fund.

For more information about the project, click here.