Blog: Big Oil Destroys The Great Australian Bight

Dr. Reese Halter

The longest east/west ice-free coastline in the Southern Hemisphere — the Great Australian Bight — and all its unique sealife are in big trouble.

The Australian government has granted an oil company the rights to search for oil and gas in the middle of a breathtaking marine ecosystem.

That means millions of sea creatures will be killed by incessant sonic booms as Big Oil scavenges for more heat-trapping gases.

This deranged ecocide risks killing the remaining critically endangered leatherback sea turtles, great white sharks, southern right whales, Australian sea lions, southern bluefin tuna and the largest creatures on the globe: majestic blue whales.

Every 10 seconds non-stop for a couple months, sonic explosions at 252 decibels will shatter eardrums of all sea creatures.

The Australian continent has been battered by climate disruption. As unregulated fossil fuel emissions continue to rise, seven out of Australia’s 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2002.

It’s time to protect the Great Australian Bight, not plunder it.

Please support the Bob Brown Foundation and Sea Shepherd Australia because they are protecting our oceans, its sharks, bluefin tunas, sea turtles and whales.

Together, let’s save the Great Australian Bight and all its remarkable creatures.

Join Earth Dr. Reese Halter on his crusade to protect nature by watching Earth Calling SOS. His latest book is Shepherding the Sea: The Race to Save our Oceans.