City’s victory lauded


The City of Malibu and the Ramirez Canyon Preservation Fund recently prevailed in the appeal court against the Coastal Commission and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and their attempt to impose their will on our community. Bravo to our City Council for standing up to these two state agencies.

The Constitution was designed to protect the citizenry from the Government. It was designed so that the lion’s share of government influence and interference that people would deal with would come from their local community or town and there would be less and less impact on people’s lives by the larger governmental organizations like the County, State on up to the Federal Government which should have the least impact on people’s lives.

Over the last 100 years, we have progressively inverted that pyramid so that the Federal Government has the most impact on our lives and the local town the least. That is Statism and it is bankrupting our country and diminishing our liberty as it has done in other countries the world over. By standing up to these two Statist organizations which have been headed up by two unelected “Czars for Life” over the last 30 years, the elected City Council of this small town has done something that needs to be done all over this country: stop the advance of out of control Statism.

Rick Mullen, president

Ramirez Canyon Preservation Fund