Malibu Times Multimedia Director Julie Ellerton hit the streets this week to ask, “What would you like for the future of Malibu?”

Outdoor travel writer and adventure specialist“What I’d like to see in the future of Malibu is a greater effort to preserve our coastal heritage through preserving the traditions and keeping it clean, keeping a healthy beach environment, healthy water for our children and for the residents. Something needs to be done about the amount of trash and the impact of people that come here every weekend. Either fining people for leaving their trash behind, having some kind of enforcement or guarding our beaches to protect them during the weekend because it’s just a free for all.”

Artist and co-founder of Art 4 All People“I would love to see no development happening and taking place. For me it’s preserving what we already have which is so beautiful and gorgeous. I don’t think we should be adding on to it. I think we should be preserving the nature, the beauty of Malibu, which is so perfect in every way.”

Malibu Vineyards“My biggest concern is parking. Employees of business and restaurants take up all the PCH and available public parking early in the day, and there is no space left for locals who live here or visitors. The City of Malibu should provide off-site parking for employees with shuttle service. The city collects taxes from these businesses. There is a solution to this problem if the City of Malibu and the business and restaurant owners work together for a voluntary agreement to help solve this problem. More parking for visitors means more revenue for the businesses, restaurants and the City of Malibu”

Founder and CEO of CHAPERONE“Safer roads. We live in one of the most desirable places in the world, yet I can’t relax on a coastal bike ride because it’s so dangerous. We get a mix of travelers from commuters and tourists to surfers and locals that have their attention drift to sunsets and cell phones. Our pedestrians are losing lives and our traffic has become intolerable. My hope is to see the voice of the people raise awareness so we can prioritize pedestrian safety and lower congestion.”

Owner of The Malibu Newsstand “I would hope that Malibu is able to retain some of it’s historical charm, some of that character, a little bit of Malibu that people who have been here for awhile are familiar with, so it doesn’t just become another homogeneous community. Also, hopefully there’s room, which I feel there is, for smaller businesses to fit in with the larger scheme, larger plan for Malibu because I think that’s important to help retain that character. The local community does support the local businesses pretty well, everybody needs to make the effort to do it, but it’s important.”