Street Talk: What Would You Like For The Future of Malibu?

Actor and board member Wishtoyo Chumash Village“I think what we probably need is continued diligent effort to keep the polluters from dumping stuff into the rivers that empty into the ocean. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, and I can remember how pristine this coastline was, the water, back in the ’40s and early ’50s, beautiful. My father Lloyd was a really staunch protector of the oceans right from the get go and he imparted that to all of his kids. That’s why I’ve been part of Wishtoyo — it’s an organization dedicated to protecting the oceans and hopefully the governing forces of Malibu will join in the effort to keep the ocean pristine, because that’s where life begins.” 

Malibu Times Multimedia Director Julie Ellerton hit the streets this week to ask, “What would you like for the future of Malibu?”