Letter: Imagine What We Could Do

Letter to the Editor

We, as heirs of a precious and sacred semi-arid environment, are obligated to protect and nourish it by permitting it to function in the way for which it was given to us.

We should plant into it and absolutely avoid placing onto it.

I propose we lay out an assembly of plots of varying sizes and shapes, and randomly lay out uncovered walkways to delineate the plots. And, into these plots, we harvest gardens of water-sparing cacti and succulents, and crops of milkweed. This would encourage us to plant similarly in our yards — plant succulents, conserve water; plant milkweeds, save the monarchs. The succulents will provide nectar for birds, the tall cactuses will provide havens for nests and the milkweeds will maintain and, hopefully, increase the population of the monarchs. 

We will not violate our environment — we will enhance it. 

And, into these gardens we add a pet cemetery.

Most families in Malibu dearly love their pets and would be honored and privileged to pay a fee to have their pet’s ashes sprinkled nearby. It will be self-supporting and will honor all ages now, and those which will follow. 

This will allow us to purchase a plot of any size and create “The Malibu Neighborhood Gardens,” and a 15-acre pet cemetery.


If you agree with my sentiment, please notify the city planner, city councilmembers and city parks commissioner.

William E. Freije