KBUU Newswire – The complete Monday newscast from Radio Malibu, FM99.1 KBUU


This is KBUU News – Day 486 – the Monday Headlines:

= Coronavirus not yet causing any event cancellations in Malibu

= A big traffic sting against an outlaw car club fizzled on Saturday … when the car club got advance notice.

= The sheriff calls for an outside investigation into his own handling of the gruesome Kobe Bryant crash pictures.

= Malibu is going to get sliced into five voting districts … the maps are out now.

= And locking bins to keep rats out will cost more … but mean less poisons. The city council decides tonight.


Details at https://www.radiomalibu.net/monday-march-9-newswire/


This is Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.


“We’re past the point of containment” with Covid-19 in California. The Santa Monica-Malibu school district plans to bring more than 1,000 student musicians from all Santa Monica and Malibu schools together for annual Stairway to the Stars concerts next week. The concert is still on.


California Highway Patrol officers say a weekend bust on an Inland Empire car club was compromised … when word leaked out that the sheriff and C H P was waiting for them. A local blogger published details about the pending operation.


One day after getting publicly roasted over the Kobe Bryant photos issue … L A County Sheriff Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is calling for an independent review of his actions. The story was reported by the L A Times on Saturday.


How will Malibu get sliced up into voting districts? Here’s what the city offers ….


Just in case some people in Malibu may get the idea about voting against the demand to split the city into districts …. this news from just over the hill. Malibu attorney Kevin Shenkman is going to get $233,000 from the City of Camarillo … from their fruitless attempt to fight his demand for district elections there.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … F-M 99 point 1 K B U U.

Support for KBUU’s daily broadcasting … the signal on the air … comes from the Malibu Foundation …

The KBUU solar panels and battery were paid for by the Malibu Foundation.

This has kept us on the air through storms and blackouts … 24/7 .. on clean … renewable solar power.


A small brushfire broke out Saturday on the hillside above the Ralph’s supermarket at the Malibu colony Saturday.

There is no official confirmation on what caused the fire.

Speculation is rife on the internet that it was caused by homeless people … who are known to camp there.

The fire was very near where the M R C A plans to build a campground at Bluffs Park … which would be open of course to vagrants who are known to start fires.

Tat will inevitably enter into the argument as Malibu plans to accommodate homeless persons on a permanent basis.


The city council will take up the issue of requiring locking bins for Malibu businesses…. at tonight’s meeting.

The issue is rat control … malibu’s businesses have demonstrated a total inability to prevent rats from eating garbage from bins behind their establishments.

That means the health department requires rat poison.

And that results in wildlife getting poisoned.

Locking bins shut would keep the rats out … but also drive costs up dramatically.

The council will also review a proposed ordinance that would require fire proof landscaping.

The council meeting is tonight at City Hall.


Last weekend was the 35th running of the Los Angeles Marathon.

And for the 35th year … Malibu resident Rick Wallace ran and completed the 26 mile race.

Wallace is still a Legacy Runner – having run and finished every single LA Marathon.


We’re not number one …. and that’s a good thing.

Inrix has released its annual Global Traffic Scorecard .

The company identified and ranked congestion and mobility trends in more than 900 cities, across 43 countries.

The report found the worst traffic congestion in the country is in Boston.

Followed by Chicago … Philadelphia … New York City and Washington D.C.

L-A is number six.

But …. the 101 Freeway across Hollywood … and the 5 Freeway near downtown L-A … are the two worst corridors in the U.S.

Drivers on the 101 freeway waste 80 hours per year in traffic jams … according to the Inrix study.


Traffic … in 85 seconds … first …


Weather for the Malibu ….

Today will see clouds and light rain. No more than a half inch. And it will be kind of warm: 65º.

(((( Highs 71 )))) beaches … mountains and canyons.

Sunset tonight is at (((( 3 minutes before 7 … Daylight saving time. )))).

After that … ((( )))) tonight … low (((( 49 )))) beaches … (((( 56 )))) mountains and canyons.

A soaker will come ashore Tuesday, in the form of a narrow little fire hose from Hawaii.

Exactly where?

Maybe up the coast from Malibu.

Maybe down the coast from Malibu. Maybe right on Malibu.

Expect about 1.5 inches of rain Tuesday. And it will be cooler: 58º.

BUT – the Tuesday storm will have energy in it that could cause thunderstorms and/or downpours. If those hit us, we could get 4 inches of rain in isolated spots.

Total from the storms: 1.5 to 2 inches of rain – maybe twice that if we get a thunderstorm.

Right now here at the KBUU studios in Trancas … it’s (((( )))) degrees.

Leo Carrillo beach … ((( ))).

Paradise Cove … ((( ))).

Big Rock … ((( ))).

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((( ))).

Calabasas … ((( ))).

And Civic Center L-A … ((( ))).


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com websites.

Remember… breaking news always goes first to the radio … on F-M 99 point 1 over all of Malibu….

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