Meet the City Council Candidates


The Malibu Times sent a questionnaire to all 10 Malibu City Council candidates. They were all given the same time frame to respond and were limited to 75 words per answer. Two profiles will be printed, in alphabetical order, each week beginning this issue until the April 1 issue. Election Day is April 13. The full list of candidates profiles will be viewable online at, under the tab, “Election News,” beginning April 1.

Name: Ed Gillespie

Birth date: Nov. 30, 1947

How long have you lived in Malibu?

Since 2002

What is your education and employment history?

Sunnyslope High School in Phoenix, Ariz.; attended Glendale Community College on a track scholarship and then Northern Arizona University; transferred to Arizona State University.

Invested with an entrepreneur in a company with an existing chain of 60 restaurants and built another 176 units across the southern United States.

After selling the chain to the Marriott Corporation I took some time off to cruise on my 45-foot ketch sailboat “Fantasy.”

I have owned the Malibu International Yacht Brokerage since 1989.

Why are you running for City Council?

I believe Malibu must be run in a business-like manner and decisions must be made that are economically sound and for the good of Malibu and its citizens.

What makes you qualified to be on the city council?

I have a strong business background and I have been very involved in public service.

What, in your opinion, are the three most important issues facing the city at this time?

Public safety (a “fire safe” Malibu and a safer PCH), assuring an environmentally responsible Malibu and preserving the rural charm of Malibu.

Have you been involved with any organizations, homeowners associations, city committees or other community groups? If so, how are/were you involved and for how long?

Served as: Malibu Planning Commission chairman, 2009-2010, vice chair, 2008; Malibu Chamber of Commerce president, 2007, five years on Board of Directors.

Served on: Malibu Zoning Ordinance Revisions and Code Enforcement Subcommittee (ZORACES) and Legacy Park Project Task Force.

Spoke before the California Coastal Commission and State Lands Commission in opposition to the BHP Billiton’s proposed LNG terminal for Malibu’s coast.

California Sheriff’s Association member since 2003.

I am an active member of the Malibu Presbyterian Church and volunteered as a deacon.

What experiences have you had dealing with budgets?

In the restaurant business we would prepare a detailed budget for each restaurant and operate within that budget.

How about legislation?

I have supported legislation I believed in and opposed legislation that I felt was flawed or unnecessary.

How many people are in your immediate family, regardless of whether they live at home? Feel free to mention their names and ages.

Two: my wife Laura and I.