What’s in a name


I am writing because I am opposed to any name change to De Butts Terrace. It is wrong for the Malibu City Council to remove a landmark that honors Malibu’s rich and colorful history. I want to thank Councilmembers Ken Kearsley and Jeff Jennings for opposing the name change and encourage the other members to take a history lesson to learn more about the town they represent and to oppose the name change as well. It sets a dangerous precedent if the City of Malibu is willing to change street names and erase pieces of Malibu’s history because they do not know their own history. There are many streets in Malibu named after members of our community who are gone now, should we change those street names too? Let’s just make every street A,B,C street just like Bakersfield then no one will be made fun of, except us as a town. Malibu is a popular destination because these founding families and the street names recognize their contributions to our community. Instead of being embarrassed of the street you live on, learn more about who these families are and be proud of your history and your town.

Dan Webb