PCB In Concrete Delays MHS Demo – Vax Levels Low In Local Schools


School district officials are working on plans to dispose of P C B found in the concrete foundation of buildings at Malibu High.

Malibu anti-vax parents continue to prevent their children from being immunized.

More delays in South Africa … on that murder trail involving a Malibu family, 

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the  Thursday edition of the news … from Radio Malibu  …. 97 point 5 K B U.


Good morning Malibu!


School district officials confirm that one phase of the Malibu High School construction project is on hold. 

That’s because P C Bs have been found in the concrete foundation … an unxepected find of the hazardous …. cancer causing chemical. 

Demolition of the old principal’s offices is … a district official says … is on hold until we resolve the issue of PCBs in the concrete. 

In May, the district said it would complete the heavy demolition work before school started, but that was before the PCBs were found in the foundation. 

A district spokeswoman says the delay in the building demolition will not impact the overall schedule completion date of the project … at this time. 

But questions remain … how the concrete foundation can be broken up and removed during the school year. 

District spokeswoman Gail Pinsker stresses the delay in one aspect of the project will not stall  the project as a whole. 


Malibu elementary schools continue to have extremely low levels of vaccinations against childhood diseases.

This is despite a new state law that requires inoculations against measles … and other spreadable illnesses. 

At Point Dune Marine Science School … 21.2 percent of the children were not immunized last year.

At Cabrillo Elementary, 15.8 percent of the kids were not immunized.

The same percentage …. 15.8 percent …  at Webster Elementary.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District is a hotbed of anti-vax sentiment … as parents get waivers based on supposed medical reasons for the kids to evade the shots. 

Health officials say a 95 percent inoculation levels are necessary. … to protect the entire population from disease.


Senate Bill 277, by Malibu-area Senator Bien Allen … became effective with last fall’s public-school students… it requires 

Doctors would expect 3 percent at most people could have a medical reason for not tolerating vaccines, such as a gelatin allergy or undergoing chemotherapy, according to the Times.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 97.5 K B U.  ((( time  ))))



The Whole Foods market in downtown Santa Monica has closed.

And that may have an impact in Malibu.

At the corner of Fifth and Wilshire … the Whole Foods Market in Santa Monica was usually jammed with cusotmers.

The Santa Monica Daily Press reports that the building is up for lease … and the landlord is looking at other retail uses … or another food market … as a tenant. 

Whole Foods has a lease with developer Steven Soboroff … to build a new Whole Foods at the corner of Cross Creek and Civic Center in downtown Malibu. 

Construction has been delayed while Malibu residents attempted to throttle commercial development with Measure R.

Despite getting a 60 percent yes vote … three courts found it unconstitutional to require voter approval of projects that have proper zoning. 

It is not clear when or if ground will be broken in Malibu for the Whole Foods market here… 

And market conditions are changing … a new Vintage Market location is under construction in Pacific Palisades. 

Closure of the Santa Monica Whole Foods leaves the nearest outlets in Thousand Oaks … Woodland Hills or Tarzana.


The Malibu family whose daughter was killed in South Africa returned to court yesterday … but the accused murderer’s trial was delayed … again.

South Africa news media reported that Howdy Kabrins and wife Linda Kabrins of Malibu waited patiently for court to begin in Cape Town … South Africa. 

The Western Cape High Court in Cape Town is hearing a murder trial against Diego Novella … described as a playboy central american billionaire accused of killing Malibu Gabriela Kabrins in 2015.

He has pleaded not guilty … due to drug intoxication … for killing the woman.

Her father and stepmother from Malibu have had to make temporary arrangements to stay in South Africa for the trial.

The trial has been going on … off and on … for three months now. 

Another delay this week .. the defense attorney is either ill or has other commitments … according to news agencies in South Africa.


The Ventura County coroner now says that an ultra light aircraft pilot drowned last month ……. after surviving a crash into the ocean. 

William Watson, 56, of Agoura Hills, survived the crash landing on the water near Mugu Rock on July Ninth.

But he drowned as he swam to shore that afternoon … the coroner said yesterday.

The story was reported n the Ventura County Star.

The ultralight had an engine problem … it was carryign two people …. the other made it to the rocks and survived.


Back at Malibu High …. the school is opening its student wellness center this year.

This is a place where kids can drop in to talk to experts on issues like bullying … problems at home … peer pressure … those sorts of things. 

The head of the wellness center is mayre Herrera …with a masters degree in counseling. 

She leads a staff of graduate students who are all supervised interns … before becoming credentialed counselors.


The approach to girls is different.


That’s Mayra Herrera … counselor at the wellness center at the Malibu Boys and Girls Club.

This new resource opens this fall …. the idea is to give kids a discrete gate to walk in to talk to adults …. and at the same time … to bring mental health issues to the mainstream student body.


Pavement work continues today on the Malibu Park neighborhood. 

Portions of Harvester Road … and Merrit Drive will get slurry coating today.

Also … Seastar Drive and Surfside Way.

Alternate sides of the street will be blocked off for 2 to 4 hours at a time … until the black goo can properly set and bake dry.

Watch for flaggers.


Traffic …


Weather for the Malibu ….

Patchy fog before 11am. Then gradual clearing, with a high near 69 degrees today on the beach … ((((   87   )))) inland. 

Winds will be gentle. 

Downcoast winds will be   (((  about 10 to 15  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    7:37   )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  cool and cloudy   )))) tonight … a low of  ((((   60  )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  61  )))) in the canyons.

Tomorrow should be   ((((   much the same   )))).

Right now … at Trancas it’s ((((   68    )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((    70   )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((   73   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((    68    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

The lifeguards say the waves today are   ((((  1 to 2  )))) feet high …. 

((((  S/SSE swell eases. Minor NW wind swell.  )))) 

Those are ((((  poor to fair )))) surfing conditions ….

(((((   Tide is going out to a low tide at 12:19 PM.

High tide is at 6:41 PM  … it will be 5 point 9 feet.   ))))


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