City of Malibu to Host PCH Parking Study Review

Malibu City Hall

The City of Malibu encourages the community to join its Nov. 29 public meeting to discuss current PCH safety conditions and the parking study update. 

Approved in 2015, the city collaborated with the Southern California Association of Government and Caltrans to conduct a parking study, with the intent of addressing safety concerns. 

The PCH Safety Study, which examines current road conditions and assesses accident patterns, came to the conclusion that quite a few highway collisions were related to parking alongside PCH. The safety study produced by the agencies was widely lauded, with dozens of suggestions praised by concerned citizens and stakeholders at public meetings following its release.

A review of the work performed as a result of the parking study, as well as an in depth discussion surrounding potential parking recommendations will also be had. 

The meeting will be held at Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.