Cheerleader article booed


    When I met with you last week, I requested a rebuttal article regarding the MHS cheerleading squad. It appears now your reporter, Laura Tate, is gathering information with the intent of just “balancing things out.” For the record, the cheerleading coaches were not fired because it was reported Ceillia and I were allegedly permitting mistreatment and making negative comments about a special ed cheerleader. These allegations are ridiculous and false. The article published was written by a student at Malibu High School who appears to be influenced by gossip and rumors which, unfortunately, she tends to think is “hot news.”

    We developed an award-winning, competitive program and are very saddened by Mr. Matthews’ decision to terminate us. This does not come from poor leadership and lack of devotion to the school and community. The cheerleading squad were equally devastated by Matthews’ sudden decision which they felt came from nowhere. We have met with Superintendent Neil Schmidt and the SMMUSD Advisory Committee because we feel the real travesty here is the effect Mr. Matthews’ untimely decision has had on the squad. Mr. Matthews did not have a qualified coach in place to immediately take over this program, midseason, just when the squad was planning to get ready for the basketball season, to perform at the Pro Bowl in Hawaii, (for the second time), and prepare for competitions. A replacement coach, unfamiliar with High School cheerleading and the routines, which included very technical stunts, was not hired until the end of January. By this time, it was too late for the squad, something I think Mr. Matthews was aware of. The nine girl squad consisted of five seniors, who have now been deprived of many wonderful experiences and opportunities, which they now cannot get back. The other four girls who were new to the squad this year were anxious to participate in these first time opportunities for them.

    They have all been cheated and that seems very unfair. It is my position that we were fired for political reasons, unrelated to conduct, which is still being investigated. According to your reporter, the 2000-2001 season has now come to a close. Your reporter fails to realize that it was really just beginning for the squad. Cheerleading is not just about cheering at football games.

    Your reporter, Laura Tate, has not been particularly pleasant to the people she has interviewed from our side. It is clear that she favors Perrie Briskin and probably made the decision to publish her one-sided smear in your newspaper. We therefore request that we be allowed to fully respond in our own unfiltered article. To deny us this, would further add to the injustice.

    Barbara Mills