A word to all City Council candidates: please do us all a favor and back off of this infernal fuss about ball fields and parks. Enough with the sob stories about kids not having anywhere to play ball. This is not a city priority. Get over the fact that the bond didn’t pass and learn to accept that it’s unfair to repeatedly sock property owners with the bill for things that only a handful of families and youths will ever get to enjoy.
The legacy of Prop. 13 should stand as a warning to all of you that property owners are a formidable lot at the polls, especially when they feel they’ve been stuck with someone else’s tab. Let those who actually care about ball fields pick up the tab. Charge admission, hold a raffle, beg on a street corner. But don’t try to snag us with another bond issue. Life in Malibu has always been about independence independence from Los Angeles, independence from the status quo, even independence from each other. May it forever be so.
Wade Major