Sirens: Malibu Crime Report, Aug. 5-9

Crime Report

The following crimes were reported in Malibu between Aug. 5-9:


Game Over

-A Playstation 4 was stolen from a home office, which was ransacked between 2 and 3:30 p.m. on Castlerock Road. Damages are estimated at $400.


Watch Out

-A house on Surfwood Road was burglarized after a back screen door was cut open and the sliding glass door was broken. Watches and iPod nanos totaling more than $6,000 were stolen. A pool cleaner had noticed the broken glass and called the homeowner who had been working overnight. 


Surf’s up

-A custom Donald Takayama “In the Pink” model surfboard was stolen from a roof rack of a vehicle at Cross Creek Road at 10 a.m. The victim had been surfing with another board, returned to his vehicle around 11:30 a.m. and noticed the $1,400 board was gone. 


Light It Up 

-Over $20,000 worth of electronic equipment was stolen from a locked cabinet around 7 p.m. on Saddle Peak Road. The victim tried locating video surveillance from the location but the suspect also stole the computer’s hard drive. 


Sandy Scratches

-A vehicle was vandalized on PCH between 12:30 and 2:50 p.m. One vertical scratch on the passenger side of the vehicle reached five feet long and was • inch wide and another scratch was three feet long and • inch wide, causing over $1,500 in damages.