Sirens: Malibu Crime Report, June 6-12

Crime Report

The following crimes were reported in Malibu between June 6 and June 12:


Tourist Troubles:

Grand theft was reported on Serra Road after a backpack belonging to German tourists was stolen out of the trunk of a rental car. The backpack contained a laptop, German currency totaling over $3,800, U.S. currency and a German driver’s license.


Broken Bad:

A driver’s side window was smashed near Rainford Place and the center console of the car was broken in to. Around $100 cash was stolen from the console. A pipe surrounded by glass was found on the ground near the scene of the crime. 


Grab and Go

A vehicle was burglarized in the afternoon near La Piedra Beach. A window was broken and a purse was stolen, including a wallet, watch and money.