Voting ‘yes’ made easy


    I would like to use this forum to write a letter to the people who get it. Maybe you get it because you’ve got a child in one of Malibu’s great public schools. Maybe you get it because you know people in town who spend a fortune for private school and then have to drive halfway across the city, during rush hour, to get there. Maybe you don’t even have kids in Malibu schools, but you can do the math that says that with private education costing $15,000 to $20,000 per kid per year, having your home in a town with great public schools makes that home worth a lot more money.

    For whatever reason you get it, we are all in danger of losing it. The school cuts slated to take effect next fall will raise class size and eliminate programs, many of them award winning. These are the kind of programs that insure that 95 percent of our Malibu High grads go on to higher education, and that each year we send kids to Harvard, Stanford and other top universities. The one and only way to save this excellence is to vote for Measure S on June 3. That is the last ditch, only hope of keeping these schools intact.

    We all now how hard it is to vote. There is traffic, things come up, people forget. But this is too important to fall through the cracks and so I want to join with the “Yes on S” campaigning urging you to vote absentee. Yes on S can send you a form so that your ballot will come directly to your house. Simply fill it in and mail it. They can also send you registration forms if you’re not registered. call them at 829.2549 and they will send you everything you need. And if you have any time to spread the word to your friends and neighbors, call them to volunteer. Because if you’ve got it, you want to keep it.

    Andy Stein

    Malibu City Councilmember