Letter: Rain Rescue

Letter to the Editor

West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin) recently partnered with the City of Malibu and the local water retailer, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, Water Works District #29, to provide the residents of Malibu with free rain barrels to capture rain water as a way to conserve water and help with the current drought conditions. West Basin and its partners want to thank all the residents who participated. 

Unfortunately, West Basin has learned that some of the rain barrels are defective. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Based on conversations with Jerry Meehan, West Basin tested three rain barrels, and of the three, one leaked. It showed cracks in the plastic welds inside the bottom areas of the rain barrel. West Basin contacted the manufacturer and they are offering to provide new replacement rain barrels, free of charge, to those customers who participated in West Basin’s Rainwater Rescue Program. They are asking residents to test their current rain barrel(s) by adding some water to them and checking for leaks. 

If you do see leaks in your rain barrel, please contact the manufacturer, Koolatron, at 800.265.8456.

If additional assistance is needed, please contact West Basin at 310.660.6247.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

West Basin Municipal Water DistrictÂ