The Scouts and families of Malibu Boy Scout Troop 224 would like to express their sincerest thanks to the members of the Malibu Kiwanis Club for their continuing financial support. As a result of their fundraising efforts at this year’s Chili Cook-Off, the Kiwanis club has once again made a generous donation to our local Boy Scouts that will allow the troop to assist unit members who do not have the financial resources to participate in the Scouting program.
It has always been the position of the troop that no young man will ever be precluded from participating in Scouting because of financial issues and the monies received from the Kiwanis Club guarantees this commitment to the youth of Malibu. In past years, the generosity of the Kiwanis Club has allowed all boys to participate in troop activities and attend summer camp. The Kiwanis past donations also helped replace personal camping equipment lost by several scouts as a result of the 2007 Malibu fires. Funds from this year’s donation will be used to replace aging troop equipment and send youth to camp.
Tarek Shraibati, Scoutmaster
Chris Laubach, Committee Chair