Letter: Trancas water project necessary

Letter to the Editor

I wish to offer a counterpoint to the minority group’s opposition to the water district project for the Trancas Highlands. The proponent group behind the water project has selflessly fought through roadblock after roadblock for decades in order to bring a sorely needed resource to our area.

Although I empathize with those who have budget issues, I believe that opposing this project is a little short sighted. It will be expensive, but you get what you pay for. Right now, the area is tempting fate every day, especially as we head into the summer months. The lack of adequate water supply combined with these old rickety power lines has created a perfect environment for total devastation to occur when the next fire decides to hit our canyon. As we all know, it is not if, but when this will happen.

Personally, whenever dry, warm conditions exist, the possibility of fire in the neighborhood is always in the back of my mind. I feel relieved when winds calm down or rain is forecast. Giving our firefighters the minimum tool necessary, water, in order to have any chance to save homes from burning to the ground is absolutely necessary and is responsible preparatory behavior.

Removing the power poles will also eliminate one of the main causes of fire. These unsightly old lines need to come down also. Yes, the price tag might be a little high, but the price for not moving forward with the project would be significantly higher.

Eric Knight