Opening windows


    For those Malibuites who would like to really know what our City Council members think on a given subject, tune into channel 15 for the video recasts of their meetings. One can usually hear the unrehearsed truth of each member’s agenda. They ramble on, believing few voters listen or watch.

    But if we pay attention, we can hold them accountable for what they say!

    The most recent videocast featured the discussion of alternative or replacement playing fields on the school district’s land in Malibu Park. Mayor Van Horn summed up the discussion with the admonition to take the potential noise level seriously. I paraphrase her here, “Busch Drive/Canyon is a natural amphitheater and the solution to noise is not as simple as closing your doors and windows if you live at the top of Busch.” Mayor Van Horn, the sounds of children playing, and parents cheering is not “noise.” I live in that area, and hearing the occasional (or frequent) drifting up-canyon of their exuberant voices is a sign to me that all is right in the world. I feel nostalgic for those times 35 years ago when I watched a Friday evening game in the cool fall air and believed anything was possible. I also recall with pleasure that 15 years ago we took our two older boys to play Saturday morning soccer (no AYSO yet) on the fields at the end of Clover Heights. Those sounds would also carry to the top of Busch Drive. Then and now they were the sounds of happy families and I would no more close my windows to them than I would to the squawks of wild parrots, or the howls of the coyotes.

    To Mayor Van Horn and her sound-sensitive constituents, I ask you to consider that there is joy in “noise” as well as silence. Any neighborhood (and its property values) profits from involved, cheering and exercising families. The state has served notice that, Proposition 12 not withstanding, Malibu is off the Bluffs. Malibu Youth Coalition is doing its part, so council members, please get us new recreation space soon. No-Growthers, this is a deal with the district not the dreaded developers.

    Consider it a compromise. Neighbors, if you are annoyed by the sound of playing — shut your windows. It is that simple.

    Candy Sindell