Caltrans Seawall Project Begins Wednesday

CalTrans Workers Move Boulders to Rebuild Beach

Construction work for a seawall project will partially close a portion of Pacific Coast Highway near Las Tunas State Beach on Wednesday, Sept. 24 until sometime in October, according to Caltrans. 

The agency plans on building a seawall on the southbound PCH slope to protect the beach from erosion.

Initial construction work on Wednesday will close one southbound lane near Pena Road, between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. so that crews can safely deliver materials. Following Wednesday, work will continue behind concrete barriers and the bike lane will be closed to cyclists and pedestrians.

Recent hurricanes have caused severe beachside erosion and exposed a utility line in the area. 

Concrete slurry and sandbags will be used to construct the 50-foot long seawall and prevent further damage caused by waves. 

The $125,000 contract is funded by the State Highway Operation and Protection Program and is expected to be completed by late October.