Volunteers on the lookout


    As a board member of Friends of Arson Watch (F.A.W.D.S.) and Disaster Services, I would like to wish all in Malibu a Happy New Year and say thanks for their support. For those who are not aware, Arson Watch is a volunteer organization which coordinates the participation of community members to become active in minimizing the risk of fires, particularly during the fire season.

    Volunteers in Arson Watch regularly patrol their community areas and coordinate activities through a radio system within Malibu and the Santa Monica Mountains. As this New Year begins we encourage community support through becoming a member, volunteering your time or providing resources. To learn more or to get involved, please call Arson Watch coordinator Allen Emerson at 310.455.4244 or mail to address P.O. Box 197, Topanga, CA 90290.

    Mark Olson