Letter: Concerned Parent

Letter to the Editor

On Election Day, Nov. 3, Malibu residents will have the opportunity to decide Malibu’s future by voting “no” on Measure W.

We can enforce the Malibu Vision and Mission Statements, or let New York financiers “pee in our pond.” These same developers ruined the Hamptons out of sheer greed, and they are determined to collect a fat payday at Malibu’s expense.

The issues are always the same: traffic and safety. There is literally no getting from Southampton to East Hampton on a summer day. And over the weekend, the sirens wail long into the night.

Fortress Investment Group, based in New York, and Steve Soboroff, their developer representative, are claiming that there has been no increase in traffic in 20 years. Just who are they trying to fool?

Anyone who has lived in Malibu for more than a year knows that the traffic is rising exponentially and that peak traffic now stretches over longer and longer periods every day. And Malibu residents are dying.

The City Council is in cahoots with the developers and deliberately chose to ignore the realities of traffic and safety on PCH.

My son and his friends will be learning to drive in two years. If you let Fortress Investment Group, Steve Soboroff and the City Council have their way, many of these teenagers could be critically injured on PCH, and some of them could die.

Please think of our children and vote “no” on Measure W.

Kate Register