Letter: Lessons Learned

Letter to the Editor

We all learned a few things at the Measure R debate. 

We learned the exempted Civic Center shopping centers are the result of a private, backroom deal that traded the Conditional Use Permit exemptions for a promise from the Center owners not to fight Measure R. Reiner thinks it’s OK because the proponents took in-kind compensation instead of cash. It’s apparent he has claimed there is no exemption because he thinks his supporters wouldn’t understand the nuance of preventing formula retail by allowing more of it for his friends. 

We also learned Reiner has a tin ear and doesn’t know California Coastal Commission (CCC), despises the term NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) and seems to view it as a synonym for “exclusionary racist.” He loudly proclaimed that the Measure R is a NIMBY ordinance and acted proud. 

How will this affect our relationship with the CCC? 

We also learned Reiner couldn’t care less to where the Malibu Theater will relocate. He seems to believe there is lot of vacant commercial space in Malibu at reasonable prices for the theater, Urgent Care, and all of the mom and pops that would want to open here. 

Measure R is not good for Malibu. Read the ordinance and vote “no.” 

Paul Grisanti