Letter: Lights off, please


I would like to add my opinion to the on-going debate about the lights at Malibu High School. The light poles and light fixtures are extremely unattractive and are out of place for a small school located in the middle of one of Malibu’s loveliest rural neighborhoods. These lights, on until 10 p.m., especially with our coastal fog, must be extremely hard on the surrounding neighbors and must hurt their quality of life and property values. 

I do not understand the basis for a decision to spend $400,000 plus on field lights to benefit a few rather than to improve education for all the students. It is embarrassingly inappropriate during tough economic times. Another important issue is the information coming from the medical community about the devastating long-term effects of head trauma from football.

I hope that the city and the school district listen to all the residents in Malibu and do whatever they can to mitigate the negative effects of their decision.

Cori Lowe