Tales by the sea at home

Malibu Green Machine President Jo Giese (left) with Tales By the Sea producer Ann Buxie

Tales by the Sea, the storytelling program for adults has rescheduled its second Home Concert for May 31. Producer Ann Buxie is dedicating this concert to her father, Don Soldwedel, who died two months ago.

“He was one of the most generous storytellers,” Buxie said. “He primed the pump for my love of story.”

Called “Heroes, Loves and Other Primal Matters,” the concert will feature five tellers from the Los Angeles area performing in a private home. Amongt the scheduled performers are Malibu Green Machine President Jo Giese and Joe Herrington, who was named among the top five Western storytellers/poets in the country in 2007 by the Western Music Association.

The program will include Ellen Switkes’ “Sex Education,” a funny look at sexuality and Ellaraino’s “The Fan,” a story about her grandmother who learned to read at 85 and lived to be 116. In “My First Date,” Padraic Keohane will take the audience on a wild ride. The audience will discover a hero in a most unlikely place in Herrington’s “Ridin’ With Big Red.” And Giese, a radio journalist, will premier a wacky, erotic story from her upcoming collection, “Fumbling Towards Ecstasy.”

The free concert will begin at 7 p.m. with refreshments to follow. Seating is limited and reservations are required. For more information about the event, call Buxie at 310.457.2385.