MTC does not support N, endorses P


    In a recent mailer, the individuals in the measure N committee listed their organization “affiliations” falsely implying that these organizations support measure N — some of which have not taken a position or no longer exist.

    To set the record straight, the Malibu Township Council Board of Directors endorsed measure P. The MTC does not support measure N.

    The MTC Board of Directors is concerned that the Malibu Bay Co. is funding TV ads, billboard type signs, and direct mailing advocating Measure N. Would they do that if measure N did not benefit them?

    Measure N allows the community to vote if the project is more than 30 acres and if there is a development agreement.

    The Malibu Bay Co. is the only developer with an agreement and a project more than 30 acres.

    Change the agreement slightly so the project is less than 30 acres, and, presto, no community involvement.

    Measure P, on the other hand, lets the community ratify after City Council and staff approval of any commercial development that is 25,000 square ft. or more, which is a project of approximately 3.5 acres, not 30 acres (approx. 200,000 square ft.)

    Under measure P, all nine of the current projects in the Civic Center would be considered, not just the Malibu Bay Co.

    Comparing the effect of the measures, it becomes obvious that Measure P assures the Malibu community an opportunity to make their desires known regarding ALL future commercial development.

    Measure N limits that opportunity to whatever the Malibu Bay Co. has in mind, and maybe not even then depending on the size of the project.

    Efrom Fader

    President, Malibu Township Council