The Inkblot

Malibu High School senior Sam Block illustrated the winter 2008 issue of "The Inkblot" (pictured), a new literary magazine comprised of poetry, short stories and artwork by Malibu High School students.

“The Inkblot,” a new literary and arts magazine featuring poetry, short stories and artwork by Malibu High School students, will publish its third edition this spring. The magazine is funded by community members and The Shark Fund, a volunteer organization of parents who raise money for Malibu High School to provide amenities such as computers, publishing software and technology printers. The following poem by Malibu High School senior Christie Brydon, who will attend Stanford University in the fall, was published in the first issue and volume of “The Inkblot.”

The tears of heaven are

making a band,

Composing a symphony

that needs to be pushed away

so often because its


is so


that we don’t know how

deal with it.

Its songs sound different

in my head,

Which flies in all directions and

creates its own outlet

with no intentions of

playing along with this

game of reality.

The silence after the

storm is resentful and I

want to go back.

I take out a paper cup

to collect the tears

but all I receive is

loose change.