Sirens: Malibu Crime Report 1.9 – 1.11

Crime Report

The following incidents were reported between 1/9 – 1/11:


Phone forgotten

Deputies responded to a grand theft at a gas station in Malibu. The victim left his white iPhone 11 with a red case in the public restroom. When the victim realized his phone was missing he checked the restroom but the phone was gone. The victim asked the cashier if anyone returned a phone and the cashier said “No.” The cashier described the last person who used the restroom was a male white, approximately six feet tall wearing a gray hoodie with blue jeans.


Shopping spree

Deputies responded to a burglary call on Latigo Canyon Beach. The victim hid his key in the bed of the truck, went surfing and, upon return, the key was missing and his vehicle was ransacked. His wallet, an iPhone 8 and a wetsuit worth $300 was stolen. The victim later received a call stating an $84 purchase was made at a Mobil gas station, along with an $800 purchase at a Home Depot and a $364 purchase at a Ralphs supermarket. The victim said he didn’t call the police immediately because he wanted to cancel his credit cards and replace his phone.


Deputies responded to a vandalism report call in a Civic Center Way shopping center. A window to a business was shattered; however, the building did not appear to have been ransacked. The window was estimated to cost $50.