Church hosts the scouts

The Daisy/Brownie Troop includes students in grades kindertargen through third-grade. They meet on Thursdays at Our Lady of Malibu.

Our Lady of Malibu Catholic School is hosting the Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts at the school campus for a second year.

“Do a good turn daily” is the slogan of the Girl Scouts. Girls Scouts not only do a good turn daily but they also explore the world around them, experience new activities and enjoy spending time with their sister scouts. OLM is sponsoring a Daisy/Brownie troop (Troop #302) for kindergarten through third-grade girls led by OLM parents Susan Helm and Gini Vandergon. The Brownies and Daises meet regularly on Thursday afternoons after school. They will have a lot of fun plans for the fall, including learning about scouting, earning badges, taking a trip to the bank, planting a garden and participating in a service project linked to a Mexico mission trip from OLM in December. The girls will also help plan a birthday celebration for the founder of the Girl Scouts, Juliette Low.

“Do your best” is the motto of the Cub Scouts. Cub Scout Pack 119 in Malibu held its first pack meeting last month at Webster Elementary. OLM hosts a Tiger Cub Den for boys ages 5-7 led by OLM parents Tom Vandergon and Don Helm. OLM parent William Mudd also co-leads the Pack for second graders. This year Tiger Cubs will be learning basic scouting skills such as safety, first aid, citizenship and camping basics. The Tiger Cubs meet on Thursdays at OLM after school during which scouts enjoy crafts, nature, sports, games and songs.