Summer Day Camp Registration Starts April 2

Aloha Keiki Camp offers a day program at Paradise Cove for children ages 5-7.

Sign ups for the City of Malibu’s Community Services Department’s summer day camps open April 2. Local kids ages 3-13 are eligible for more than 35 day camps, which will run from June 11 through Aug. 9. 

These camps range from a variety of topics, including science, music, baking, nature and sports. 

Malibu High coaches will be on hand to help run sports camps; the offered sports include basketball, baseball, flag football, volleyball and tennis. 

The Aspects Surf Camp returns for its 10th year. The eight-week surf camp is for kids ages 7-13. It will be held near Tower 3 at Surfrider Beach.

The community services department is starting a new set of camps this year called “Itty Bitty Camps.” The camps are for kids ages 3-6; they’ll have the opportunity to participate in a number of themed camps, including “Animal Adventures,” “Adventure Week,” “Weird & Wacky Science” and more. 

For more information on the summer camps, visit To register, visit