The welcome Matt


    Dear City Council Members:

    We and our children have spent many wonderful days and nights attending the exciting programs Matt Kouba has offered at Charmlee Park. We’ve spied a comet through giant telescopes; petted an opossum, a turtle and a rat at the Nature Center; hiked on trails shared by deer, rattlesnakes and an occasional cougar, danced to bluegrass music at solstices; camped under meteor showers; chased rabbits on trail runs and mounted moths on Bug Night. We’ve been entertained, enlightened and educated by Matt. He is truly a Malibu treasure and we are sad that he has left city employment.

    We have recently been informed that you may allow Matt and his family to stay on as caretakers of Charmlee so that they could continue to watch over the park and, hopefully, keep many of the programs going. We support this proposal wholeheartedly. Charmlee is in a remote area of Malibu. With their intimate knowledge of the park, Matt and his wife, Beth (who is a nurse), are able to provide invaluable assistance to park visitors in routine and emergency situations. They open and close the gates to the park, patrol for fires, provide information regarding wildlife and safety, and they have the only telephone at Charmlee. As caretakers, they would cost the city nothing because they pay rent.

    Please retain the Koubas as caretakers of Charmlee. In their capable hands, one of Malibu’s finest wild places will be kept alive and protected.

    Gloria and Bob Van Santen