Contrary to Anne Hoffman’s letter of February 21, I have not been endorsed by the Lily’s Cafe PAC, the Lily’s group has not provided me with questions prior to their “debate,” and I did not oppose the Parks and Land Bond proposal as the letter implied
John Harlow offered his support to my candidacy for City Council because he found me fiscally conservative, fair, logical, well informed, and likely to make fact-based decisions. I was pleased to accept both this compliment and his support.
I have found the Lily’s Cafe group’s views interesting, but I do not expect their group endorsement. I hope some will vote for me.
At the time the Park Bond campaign started I had other major time commitments: both professionally and to my three new grandchildren. I found the campaign committee had the skills and energy needed for the campaign. The limited help I could provide at that time was not needed. I did not oppose the Bond issue. I expect to support appropriate bond issues for park and community development in the future.
John Wall