KBUU … Malibu’s ONLY Local Daily News … Friday July 2



= The 101 Freeway is open this morning … a bomb scare involving fireworks closed it overnight.
= The crackdown at Venice Beach is pushing homeless persons up the beach towards Malibu.
= A crackdown on RVs is pushing toy haulers down the beach towards Malibu.
= The sheriff says crime is up .. serious crime … way up.
= His answer includes more permits for concealed weapons.
= And a fireworks permit has been pulled for Malibu Colony … but Paradise Cove and Broad Beach have yet to be heard from.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at www.radiomalibu.net
Miss the newscast? The continuous replay is on FM 99.1 HD2 middays until 2pm. Listen to s7.viastreaming.net/6500
Major stories posted later in the day at www.radiomalibu.net
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