Letter: Aggressive Tactics

Letter to the Editor

Is there something I’m not getting, or has Trump Derangement Syndrome finally driven Democrats nuts? At first, they accused conservatives of being aggressive. Then, after the armed assault on Republican congressmen last year, they started saying both sides do it. Then Maxine Waters started encouraging “progressives” to be nasty. Since rude, even violent, Democratic behavior has become a near-daily occurrence, you’d think grownups would take charge, but no. Obama-era Attorney General Eric Holder, who accused whites of being cowards, and refused to prosecute Black Panthers for threatening white voters with baseball bats, changed Michelle Obama’s “We go high” remark to “We kick ‘em,” referring to Republicans. This attitude was seconded by Nancy Pelosi, and even Hillary [Clinton] said you can’t be civil to conservatives.

And then there’s the undocumented immigrant caravan, instigated and sponsored by Democrats. Do they really think thousands of people, including young single men we know nothing about, speeding toward our border helps them? Would anyone invite such men into their homes without knowing them? I think President Trump’s hard line against this invasion is helping him, but maybe I’m crazy.

And what about Pocahontas, Spartacus, Adam Schiff and “Leaking” Dianne? Schiff recently accused a Republican of anti-Asian racism, but when the gentleman revealed his adopted Korean children, Schiff didn’t even have the decency to apologize. Dianne Feinstein used to be a mensch, but after sneakily withholding Christine Ford’s letter and finally leaking it in time to reduce both parties to mud wrestling, she’ll be known as just another slimy politician. Elizabeth Warren was a Democratic presidential front-runner who actually believed her minuscule Indian DNA exonerated her! And Cory Booker’s ridiculous “Spartacus moment” speaks for itself.

No one believes Democrats or the fake media anymore. They said Trump was the devil, but the market and economy are soaring, NAFTA’s rewritten, ISIS and North Korea are contained, NATO countries are paying their dues, and Trump’s bringing back hostages Obama couldn’t—without paying ransom. Simply put, Trump’s a better president than Obama was, and it’s driving the left crazy.

Rueben Gordon