Letter: Hard-Working Commissioners

Letter to the Editor

Addressed to the Malibu Planning Commission

Last week, we experienced for the first time the workings of the Malibu Planning Commission, and their showing of a deep level of selfless commitment to our fair City of Malibu!  We were amazed at how they worked together into the night until 11:30 p.m. (!) to come up with a level of understanding and compromise to be able to approve details regarding our property on which we had been working for many years! Unlike the workings of seemingly hostile politicians and bureaucrats elsewhere in our country today, it proved to us that the “age of reason” is still alive and well in Malibu!

We thank you Chairman John Mazza and commissioners Jeff Jennings, David Weil, Chris Marx and Steve Uhring; plus Case Planner David Eng and our planning expeditor, Don Schmitz and his associates, for working so hard to come together in thought and dialogue to find agreement allowing the decision that helps my wife and me keep our vision alive for our property to stay as part of the “Old Malibu”! To us, this means an environment that is conducive to the bucolic life that we moved here for 26 years ago! A part of this treasured lifestyle is the connection to nature and to animals, which is important to us and other members of the equestrian community of Malibu.

Now, if we all come together in the next month to elect leaders who make thoughtful and  reasonable decisions, as our planning commissioners have shown in Malibu, then perhaps all of us who are members of the same United States of America, may all be able to “Live Happily Ever After”!

Tonya and Jim Hull