It’s interesting to note that the new water main about to be installed on the northern side of PCH at Las Costa appears to be within two feet or so of the boundaries of properties along the highway there. Now in Malibu, although a seepage pit or a drain field can be right next to a public road, neither can be within 10 feet of a water line. Hmm. For those properties, this seems to mean: 1. Existing facilities within about eight feet of PCH will have to be abandoned; 2. Any new facility for an existing system will have to be eight feet or more away from the highway.
Abandonment of the systems serving the old courthouse and the two commercial buildings along that part of the highway won’t be so bad because the people there can run home when they need to, but for those in residences, this could be a real problem. Having to go over to the beach club every morning is not a good way to start the day. First they take eight feet of our land, next it’s our guns.
E. D. Michael