Letter: The Bigger Picture

Letter to the Editor

It is terrible if the GOP now only “tries” to act as an opposition party (repeal and replace instead of just repeal of Obamacare). Sarah Palin said (don’t know if it is true) that the current administration has violated the U.S. Constitution about 15-20 times. Because the GOP did not call it on the first offense, the problem now is here 20-fold. Why is everyone talking about immigration reform? What ever happened to enforcing existing laws?

Columnist Dr. Krauthammer said, “GOP, don’t fall for the bait of impeaching the current administration.” OK, but Roger Hedgecock said this week, if we now have a “country” where anyone who “gets here” can stay, then we no longer have a country.

I, for instance, was very lucky to become an American, but today we are not a nation — we are Balkanized.

All religions are accepted here in the U.S. Great system, however, only the Judeo-Christian system of government should be accepted. This would make irrelevant the TV discussions with many different religions of what they think we should do. Only America’s accepted and founding principles should be discussed. That way, we all remain Americans — no Danish Americans or Italian Americans. My younger brother has been waiting since 2003 when I filed/paid from Palm Beach, Fla. by mail to get his papers to come here.

But today the law does not matter.

In crazy times, what happens (big wars, etc.) is strong and morally straight men/leaders emerge. Think of Gen. Schwarzkopf. This will happen again, but sadly perhaps things get much worse before we get the country back to normal.

P.S. It’s not “good” Jeb Bush may run. A banana republic always continues to elect the same family. It’s far better to seek the best possible candidate from the entire 300-plus million people here. Same with Hillary — been there done that. Elizabeth Warren, an acknowledged Marxist, also cannot be elected. We can only elect a person with reverence for the fine U.S. constitution.

My choice would be the humble Scott Walker.

Morten Wengler