Lost opportunity


Thank you for the remarkable article in the March 29 issue of The Malibu Times regarding the “Farpoint Site” discovery, CA-LAN-451, a possibly 11,000 year old unique Clovis site here in Malibu, the oldest cultural site in our city. It is extremely distressing but not surprising that the property owner and the City of Malibu have refused to stop the wanton destruction of this amazing unique cultural resource.

I plead to the property owner to reconsider and allow the archeologists more time to analyze this remarkable site. Clearly, what is at stake is the irreparable loss of knowledge forever of our true predecessors and our cultural identity as Californians. Similarly, at County Line, Ventura County, we also have witnessed the destruction and loss of what is known to archaeologists as Ca-VEN-1, a major Chumash village located on banks of Yerba Buena Creek and Pacific Coast Highway, including the bluff area directly above the County Line beach (both sides of PCH) and the adjoining areas.

The ongoing cultural tragedy continues to unfold before us.

Pamela Campbell