KBUU Malibu’s ONLY Daily News – Thu Jul 1


= The Fourth of July weekend could be another superspreader weekend … amongst nonvaccinated people.

= City officials say they think the MRCA may be in code violation at La Costa Beach.
= Like that has ever stopped the MRCA from opening parks in Malibu without city permits.
= Union activists from Los Angeles object to plans for a hotel in central Malibu.
= Not enough parking they say … despite their backing giant hotels in Santa Monica that also don’t have enough parking.
= and the Ventura County sheriff issues its report on the mass shooting murders of 12 people at the Borderline grill.
= The shooter hated college kids.
= Surfs up … 3 to 4.
Malibu’s Only Local Daily News …
Weekdays 7-9:30 on FM 99.1 and streaming at www.radiomalibu.net
Miss the newscast? The continuous replay is on FM 99.1 HD2 middays until 2pm. s7.viastreaming.net/6500
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