Letter: Slow Down

Letter to the Editor

Having lived on PCH for 45 years, I consider myself a good observer of what’s wrong with PCH.

Hurrah to Joyce Ball in “Setting limits” from June 25. She hit on the most critical point — speed is No. 1.

How is it that through commercial and residential neighborhoods, speed limits range from 45 to 50 mph in Malibu? 

Driving down the coast from San Francisco, for instance, I noted that many signs dotted the landscape as you approached the upcoming towns. They jump out at you — stop, caution, yellow lights blinking to slow, 25 mph zones — and posted speed limits resume upon leaving town.

Why are we so different?

A speed of 45 mph passing Pacific Coast Greens is dangerous for everyone.

Another example is driving south after leaving Duke’s. Most cars garner speed around the bend before the straightaway (passing my old beach house), speeding at least 50 to 60 mph toward Big Rock.

I’m not implying that customers of Pacific Coast Greens or Duke’s are any more reckless than the average Malibu resident. I used these local businesses as examples of when speed usually occurs.

These aren’t the only critical areas on this highway, but you get the picture.

The second danger is left hand lane drivers.

For example, if they are coming from Santa Monica, their necks are cranking to see “stars homes,” and driving in the left hand lane gives them a closer look. Most of them have no clue who lives where and are hoping they spot even Lassie the dog (even if the present Lassie is retired) to say they saw a movie star.

Cars pull around these lookie-loos and all you see is the smoke of their rubber as the impatient driver speeds off.

We must find methods — mechanical or manned — that stop the damage done on PCH daily.

Dolores Rivellino