Parents hold key


I have been living in Malibu for more than 13 years. My wife and I have 6 children. Our boys have gone through the Malibu School system starting with Malibu Methodist on to Juan Cabrillo and then to Malibu High. The two oldest, 21 and 18, have moved on, and are both doing quite well with their young lives. One is still at Malibu Methodist, one still at Juan Cabrillo and two now in Malibu High. I recently read an article in the Malibu Times depicting the high school as some sort of a drug cartel with students running rampant on some sort of marijuana stampede.

There are drugs all over America, there are teenagers all over America, there are also parents all over America and it is up to them, the parents, to make the difference in what goes on with their kids. The problem with drugs and teenagers has existed for years and most likely always will. Pointing a finger at the school is not altogether fair or accurate. I have been on the campus several times over the years and know and work with many of the faculty. They have never been anything but supportive, protective and 100% cognizant of the educational needs of the kids. Issues involving the use of marijuana or any other drugs need to be addressed in the home.

You have to keep track of your kids, know who their friends are, where they are going at night, where they are hanging out, what kind of activities they are participating in. As soon as you stop paying attention, some kids don’t know any better than to hang out with the wrong crowd and get involved with harmful things. I am not a psychologist and I am not part of any group trying to promote anything. I only thought it would be fair to speak up for the school from my own perspective. Having six boys is complicated to say the least. They are not perfect. We have had our troubles as do most families. It is a different world from what my generation grew up with. What’s available in the media and the entertainment world certainly doesn’t make it any easier. I think everyone is doing their best and I think so is Malibu High School.

Michael Madsen