Thank you for your analysis of Measure R and your editorial taking a position against it.
An acquaintance of mine found himself in conversation with Rob Reiner last week and asked him about the exemption in Measure R allowing unlimited formula retail in existing spaces between 1,400 and 5,000 sq. ft. Reiner responded to the effect that, “The opponents are lying and that there is no such exemption in Measure R.” I realize that I have just put quotes around hearsay evidence and would love to hear Reiner answer the question on the record.
If that is the best he can do, it is no wonder that whoever is running the pro R campaign doesn’t want to have a debate. Reiner is either sadly misinformed about what the measure he has promoted contains (hint: The exemption is on pages 7 and 8 of the circulated initiative) or he was being intentionally dishonest.
Paul Grisanti