Letter: Fighting for Malibu

Letter to the Editor

I’ve lived in Malibu for most of my life and my husband and I raised our three children here. I’ve seen so many changes over the yearssome for the good and some not so good. But never in history has our town faced an onslaught of commercial development at this level that would forever destroy the heart of Malibu.

PCH and our roads are already filled to capacity. We’re all locked into our parts of Malibu nearly every summer weekend and driving to Santa Monica is already impossible. I can’t imagine another 1.5 million feet of retail malls and hotels. Developers are hoping to turn our town into an even larger shopping destination for their profits. Three retail malls are being proposed right now, at this very moment. Over 250 thousand feet of new buildingthe size of two Ralph centers. Why should developers care? They don’t live here, aren’t raising a family here and they aren’t even trying to come visit Malibu on a sunny day with their kids. Malibu is nothing more to developers than a business proposition and profits.

Malibu residents have worked hard to protect this incredible place for decades. I’m so happy to be helping with a large group of neighbors to continue that legacy for the next generation to enjoy. We’re so thankful for every single person who has offered to help. The Your Malibu, Your Decision Act helps to protect our town from over commercialization, encourages small businesses to thrive and lets the people who love this town have an actual vote on future large developments. With a new sewer that opens the floodgates to massive new development, it really is now or never.

Dru Ann Jacobson and family