Malibu Locals Elevated to College of Fellows by AIA

Pictured, from left: Stephanie Murray, Bill Murray, Manny Gonzalez and Marti Gonzalez attend a black tie dinner in Philadelphia honoring new AIA fellows.

Longtime Malibu residents Manny Gonzalez and Bill Murray were recently elevated to the College of Fellows by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). The College of Fellows is the second-highest individual award bestowed by the AIA. 

Murray is the son of former Malibuite Doris Murray Kuhns. He has lived in Malibu since age three, and attended Webster Elementary and Santa Monica High schools. 

Gonzalez is the son of Mary and Manny Gonzalez and grew up living on Malibu Road. He attended Our Lady of Malibu School and Loyola High School, and played, umpired, coached and served on the board for Malibu Little League.