How To Help in the Time of COVID-19

Henry Stern

As Malibu, along with the rest of California, has been hunkered down with stay-at-home orders, some are getting restless with the urge to step up and serve their community. 

State Senator Henry Stern in his second virtual town hall of the pandemic brought in community leaders on Friday, April 17, with ideas on how community members can help. Guest Josh Fryday, who runs Cal Volunteers, had many suggestions. Servicing and donating to food banks were chief on his list, especially since volunteers at food banks are often seniors who were forced to give up service due to their vulnerability to COVID-19. Food banks are not only low on supplies, but also low on volunteers. 

Town hall speakers also urged people to call, text or pay a window visit to the elderly who may be lonely, isolated or in need of a welfare check.

Other ways to help while staying safe at home are to make masks or hygiene kits for donation or donate money to shelters and other community causes. For those who can, there is a tremendous need for blood and plasma donations. Go to for more helpful information.