Home Above Malibu Has Overwet Yard Fall Off Cliff – City Goes After Straws And Dumpsters – 150 Homeless Told To Move Off Oxnard Beach


A house high in the hills above Malibu … draws TV choppers as its yard sprinklers fail.

Overflowing garbage cans at Malibu businesses are drawing rats … and city council members.

Plastic straws may also get the boot from Malibu .. too many tossed away on the beach.

And a huge homeless camp just 20 miles away from Malibu … gets evicted.

This is Malibu’s only local daily news.

It’s the   ((((  time  ))) edition of the (((  day ))) news … from Radio Malibu  ….  99 point 1 K B U U.

Good morning Malibu, I’m Hans Laetz reporting.

Waterlogged Hillside Gives Way, Draws The TV Choppers

A faulty sprinkler system … or some sort of broken water line … is blamed for the collpase of a steep dirt hillside below a house perched on the edge of a road in upper Las Flores Canyon.

The hillside gave way beneath the house … drawing the L-A T-V helicopters … at 3:45 yesterday afternoon.

By evening … the internet was alive with reports of Malibu falling into the ocean … in heavy rain …

County firefighter Randall Wright addressed the media scrum.



What we saw was about a 40 foot by 20 foot section of earth that had given away.

Thisis something we take very seriosuly we havelearned from our partners in Santa Barar Co so thats why we have sucg a large response of other agencies other eyes. other epxerts that will lnow even more about this.

“We build that into our entire game plan.”   [[[   END QUOTE  ]]]]

This morning ….. it appears the very-steep dirt hillside had been saturated with water ,…

But the storm 10 days ago dropped only about an inch of rain.

One T-V station reports that a man staying at an AirBnB next door said he saw water vapor coming out from the ground the day before.

Another neighbor said the home was red-tagged about seven years ago because of a similar incident.

No roads are closed … no other houses are threatened … and no one lives at the house.

City Considers Straw Ban, Overflowing Dumpsters

Malibu is looking at banning plastic straws and coffee stirring sticks at all stores and restaurants.

A city council subcommittee next week will consider proposed ordinance to ban plastic straws.

Tens of thousands of straws are dropped on LA County beaches every year …. a small percentage of the half-billion straws used around the world every day.

A city report points out that alternatives instead made from paper, sugar cane, or bamboo are available at a cost of a hundredth of a cent more each.


And overflowing garbage bins are also getting a look at City Hall.

Container lids left open … trash overflowing the container, and trash deposited outside the container.

These issues have a lead to rat feedings …. complaints by residents … and confirmation by city inspectors.

The city council is looking at tightening the municipal code … to require a tight fitting, lockable cover.

A subcommittee next week will examine three possible requirements … varying in severity… but all aimed at cleaning up messes in back of buildings.


You are listening to the latest news from Radio Malibu … 99 point 1 K B U U.  ((( time  ))))

Oxnard Evicts 150 Squatters Just Up The Beach

In news from just up the coast … a convoy of 50 Oxnard police officers descended on a coastal homeless encampment yesterday.

The Ventura County Star reports that the Halaco homeless camp had been home to 150 people …  just 20 miles up the coast from Malibu …

It is being evicted.

Dozens of people who have been living at the old Halaco metals plant at Ormond Beach … packed their things in shopping carts and walked away.

Oxnard police say the large encampment has been responsible for major crimes near Port Hueneme.

A homicide and multiple shootings have taken place there.

Officers were told about the trash and debris before entering the site and were warned about Hepitatis A outbreaks in unsanitary areas.

Cars on the property were towed and police plan to return in the next several days before the property is cleared next week.

And it’s a hazmat site … metal residues are leaching into the ocean … a cleanup is scheduled.

The city of Oxnard brought in social workers and provided shipping crates for people to store their possessions.

As near as we can tell .. there were no T-V cameras when 150 homeles people were ordered to hit the road … unlike when a Malibu church stopped serving dinners.

$50K Matching Grant For SMMUSD Schools

Malibu’s four elementary and high schools will benefit from a matching grant from two major Santa Monica employers.

The Fairmont Miramar Hotel & Bungalows …and CIT’s OneWest Bank … have provided a combined $50,000 match challenge to the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation.

The foundation is conducting a match challenge thry January 31st …. coinciding with the final weeks of the Ed Foundation’s annual parent fundraising campaign

The Ed Foundation funds beneficial programs for local children and schools such as arts and STEM education,.

Schools use these grants for additional arts, STEM and student health and wellness programs, Foundation officials said.


Traffic … in 90 seconds …


Weather for the Malibu ….

It will be ((((   mostly sunny   )))) today … highs around  ((((    66    )))) degrees today on the beach … ((((    78   )))) in the mountains above Malibu.

Winds will be strong on the beach..

Downcoast winds will be   (((   20  )))) miles per hour this afternoon.

Sunset tonight is at   ((((    5:09    )))).

After that … expect it to be (((  cloudy   )))) tonight … patchy drizzle late at night …. a low of  ((((      55    )))) on the beach … down to  ((((  47   )))) in the mountains.

Tomorrow   ((((  a 20 percent chance of showers.   )))).

Showrs possible into tomorrow evening … but sunny on Saturday.

At 9 A-M … at Trancas it’s ((((    61     )))) degrees.

In upper Malibu Canyon … ((((   67    )))) .

And at Civic Center Los Angeles … ((((    57   )))).

In the ocean … it’s ((((   56    )))) degrees in the water at Zuma Beach.

Surf is expected to build today, peaking at 8 to 12 feet late tonight and Friday.

Sets to 15 feet are possible at exposed locations such as  Point Dume.

High surf will slowly subside by Saturday evening.

The lifeguards say the waves this morning are   ((((  4 to 6   )))) feet high ….

Those are ((((  fair )))) surfing conditions …. according to the lifeguards.

(((((  High tide … at 5 point 7 feet … at 9:16 this morning.

Low tide is at 4:26 PM.

A second … minor high tide is just before 11 tonight. ))))


The KBUU Newswire is posted midmornings … at RadioMalibu.net and at the MalibuTimes.com .

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Advisory: One WB lane of PCH is closed from Topanga to Tuna Canyon for Edison pole work until 3 pm, and Thurs 1/18, 9AM – 3PM,
