Dolphin Awards Ceremony Video Available

The 2015 Dolphin Award winners, pictured from left, back row: Eric Fuchser for Vintage Grocers, Jay Scott, Jennifer deNicola, Carol Moss for CART, Matt Diamond, Alejandra DeLuca and Doug DeLuca for the Malibu Guitar Festival, and Jim Thorsen; front row: Jean Pierre Pereat and Timothy Hazelip for Malibu Under Dogs, Victoria Nodiff-Netanel, Caleb Gomes, Kathleen Sullivan, and Brianna Galeas

For those who missed the 2015 Malibu Times Dolphin Awards, or those who want to relive the moments, the City of Malibu videotaped the ceremony and will broadcast the video on Channel 3 for Verizon customers at noon on March 15 and 22. 

The video is also available at