Letter: Out With Tobacco


The American Cancer Society commends CVS for its recent commitment to pull tobacco products from 7,600 stores nationwide by Oct. 2014. We especially thank Malibu store manager David Weber and assistant managers Robert Johnson and Ashley French, for their support. 

Tobacco is responsible for nearly one in five deaths in this country, and at least 30% of all cancer deaths. Half of all those who continue to smoke will die from smoking related diseases. This bold move is leading the retail industry in changing tobacco sales practices and helping to stamp out the single most preventable cause of death globally. 

The most recent research shows that smoking increases the risk of cancers of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, lung, esophagus, pancreas, cervix, ovary, kidney, bladder, stomach colorectum and leukemia. There is growing evidence that smoking increases the risk of breast cancer, too.

Nationally tobacco causes an estimated 480,000 deaths annually. In 2013, almost 17,000 Californians were diagnosed 

with lung and bronchus cancer, including more than 4,000 Angelenos. More than 13,000 Californians died of the disease, nearly 3,000 in Los Angeles County. An estimated 8.6 million Americans suffer from chronic conditions related to smoking such as bronchitis, emphysema and cardiovascular disease. Tobacco-related illnesses are responsible for an estimated $132 billion in direct medical costs and another $157 billion in lost productivity. 

Fighting cancer is good business. 

Thank you, CVS! 

Pam Brady, Community Engagement