Become prepared for disaster with the Malibu Survival Guide.
Editor’s note: This is a first in a series of articles from the City of Malibu’s Emergency Services department.
Malibu is a very unique locale, one that faces many disaster risks on an ongoing basis. Consequently it would be extremely prudent to reduce, as much as possible, the impact of those disasters. This is done best by increasing hazard awareness and emergency preparedness at the individual, family and business levels throughout our community.
This series of articles will help you better prepare for, react to and recover from emergency or disaster situations that face us in Malibu. Emergency situations become disasters when they overwhelm the resources that are here to protect the community. History has shown that Malibu is no stranger to disasters; therefore it is important for every individual to understand how to be as self-reliant as possible when disaster strikes.
There are three basic steps to emergency preparedness and this series will help with all three: have a Plan; have Supplies; and know how to get information.
In the coming weeks this column will feature information intended to help residents and businesses prepare for disasters they may face in the future. There will be important information about evacuations, schools, road closures, pet preparedness, emergency contact numbers, disaster recovery and much more.
Notifications and updates
One of the newest services provided to the residents and businesses of Malibu is Connect-CTY. This is an emergency alert system for notifications via your telephone, cell phone, email or portable device. The City of Malibu uses this service to make high-speed notifications about impending danger or other emergency situations. These notifications are automatically routed to any listed or unlisted landline telephone number in the City of Malibu area. If you would like notifications to be sent to a cell phone, text messaging device or email, you must register those numbers, which is easily done by clicking on the “Connect-CTY” link located at the bottom of the home page at the City’s Web site ( Simply fill in the information requested on the online form. There is no charge for this service.
In an emergency you will need updated and verified information. Notification about the hazard locations, evacuation routes, road closures and shelter locations is critical. Conditions can change quickly. The city is your best source for current accurate information because it receives updates directly from the responding agencies. That information is then made available on the city’s telephone hotline (310-456-9982), Web site ( and government TV Channel 3 as often as it receives those updates. The Malibu Times web site ( also provides immediate updates in times of emergency.
Emergency Numbers You Might Need:
Fire, Sheriff, Ambulance: 911
City Emergency Hotline: 310.456.9982
Sheriff’s Department (Malibu/Lost Hills Station): 310.456.6652
California Highway Patrol (West Valley Office): 818.888.0980
Lifeguard (Zuma Beach): 310.457.2525
Poison Control: 800.222.1222
Animal Control (Agoura Shelter): 818.991.0071
Malibu Urgent Care: 310.456.7551
Fire Station 70 (Business Calls): 310.456.2513
Fire Station 71: 310.457.2578
Fire Station 88: 310.456.2812
Fire Station 99: 310.457.3706
American Red Cross: 800.540.2000
By planning for emergencies one step at a time, it won’t be long before you have developed much better disaster resilience.
More information about disaster preparedness can be found in the new Malibu Survival Guide, available free from the City of Malibu. Copies can be picked up at City Hall, located at 23815 Stuart Ranch Rd., north of Civic Center Way. Or it can be downloaded from the city’s Web site at Click on Emergency News/Preparedness, then select Malibu Survival Guide (PDF).
The information contained in this series of articles originates from the Malibu Survival Guide and has been edited for this format.