Letter: Calling for a Corps

Letter to the Editor

As a nation struggles to comprehend the labyrinth of statements, proclamations, confusion and outright uncertainty over how and when to get a COVID-19 vaccine, one of the common refrains from our elected leaders is exasperation over the fact that, despite the apparent availability of vaccines, both Moderna and Pfizer, there is a dearth of trained individuals capable of actually injecting the vaccine into the arms of the nation.

Desperate times call for creative solutions and I would like to offer one that I think will be acceptable and accepted by a frustrated citizenry: namely, a program to offer accreditation training to willing volunteers to do exactly that, inject those seeking the vaccination. I, for one, would be more than willing to step up and take such a course and offer my newfound skills to all those who wish to avail themselves of the vaccine.

Of course, we could also make this course available to our national guard, as it certainly fits the requirement of a disaster, an emergency, and threatening to the health, welfare, and safety of the nation’s citizens. I would call on State Representative Bloom and State Senator Stern to advance this idea to the governor’s office.

Lance Simmens